As Things Go

SHOW 1:  8 March, 7.00pm
SHOW 2:  9 March, 6.00pm
SHOW 3:  9 March, 8.00pm


Process. Fulfilment. Practice. Present Self.
Individuals. Dancing. Social. Lettuce.
Duration. Spending Time. Decision.
Improvisation. Choice-making. True.
I don’t know! Identify. Book. Instinct.
Lighting Desk. Destiny. Anticipation.
Why Rush? Generating. Leaves.
Accepting. Framework. Together.

Jacqui Maida & Collaborators invite you to be present alongside us in a new dance work: As Things Go. The performance looks to be an environment in which the audience witnesses live decision making within the context of a framework developed by the choreographer, called The Lettuce, Book and the Lighting Desk. We have asked ourselves throughout the process what it has meant to be witnessed, whilst attempting to be a fulfilled and authentic self, so please join us in an attempt to be closer to the answers.